Quiz #032

The Moon, Native Trees, Lord of the Rings, Teeth, Road Signs

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The Moon

Cheers to the Man on the Moon.


Who was the first human to set foot on the Moon?


Which astronomical event occurs when the Earth comes directly between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon’s surface?


What is the name of the effect that causes the Moon to always show the same face to Earth?


What is the phenomenon where the moon appears larger and brighter in the sky, typically when it is close to the Earth in its orbit?


Which Apollo mission was the last manned mission to the Moon, marking the final time humans set foot on the lunar surface?

Native Trees

Let’s hope you’re barking up the right tree!


Which tree, native to North America, is famous for its colorful autumn foliage and is often associated with Canada?


What is the national tree of Japan, recognised for its elegant, layered branches and unique flowering. 


Which tree, native to North America, is famous for its needles and cones and is often used as a Christmas tree?


What is the national tree of India, known for its large, broad leaves and shade-providing canopy?


Which tree, native to Africa, is commonly referred to as the “Tree of Life” due to its many uses, including providing shade, food, and materials for construction?

Lord of the Rings

It’s time for some Middle-earth Madness!


Who is the primary author of “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”?


Which race does Legolas belong to in “The Lord of the Rings”?


Who is the ruler of the land of Mordor in “The Lord of the Rings”?


In which year was “The Fellowship of the Ring” released, marking the beginning of Peter Jackson’s film trilogy?


What is the name of Aragorn’s sword that was reforged from the shards of Narsil?


Sink your teeth into these questions!


What is the outermost layer of a tooth called?


How many primary (also known as baby) teeth does a typical human child have?


What is the mineral that strengthens and hardens tooth enamel?


What condition refers to the inflammation of the gums, often leading to bleeding?


In which fictional animation film is there a character named “Toothless”?

Road Signs

If you have your driver’s license, then you should be fine for this topic!


What image is depicted on a Pedestrian Crossing road sign?


What image is depicted on a ‘Road Work Ahead’ sign?


What does a circular sign with a red border and a white horizontal line through the middle signify?


On a stop sign, what colour is the text of the four letters S-T-O-P?


On a Giveway sign, does the triangle point up or down?

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