Quiz #026 Lost in Translation, Diet, Oscar Winners, Sleep, Misspelt Words Remember to hit the checkbox if you get the answer right! 0 Lost In Translation What are the names of these countries or cities in different languages? 1. In German, which city is known as “Wien”? Reveal Answer 2. Which city is called “Praha” in Czech? Reveal Answer 3. In Spanish, which country is known as “Alemania”? Reveal Answer 4. What country do the French refer to as “Écosse”? Reveal Answer 5. In Welsh, which country is referred to as “Lloegr”? Reveal Answer Diet Not just a fad. 6. Which diet restricts the intake of animal products and is entirely plant-based? Reveal Answer 7. Which diet focuses on consuming high amounts of fat, moderate protein, and very low carbohydrates? Reveal Answer 8. In which diet do followers avoid red meat but include poultry and fish, alongside plant-based foods? Reveal Answer 9. The DASH diet, developed to lower high blood pressure, stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop what? Reveal Answer 10. Which diet emphasises the consumption of whole foods and avoids processed foods and sugars, replicating the dietary habits of cavemen? Reveal Answer Oscar Winners For all the movie buffs out there! 11. In which film did Leonardo DiCaprio win his first Best Actor Oscar? Reveal Answer 12. Which actress won an Oscar for her role in “The Iron Lady” and previously for “Sophie’s Choice”? Reveal Answer 13. In which film did Geoffrey Rush play a talented pianist dealing with mental health issues and win an Oscar? Reveal Answer 14. Who won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar in 1991 for her role in “Ghost”? Reveal Answer 15. Which composer, known for iconic film scores like “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones”, has been nominated for over 50 Oscars? Reveal Answer Sleep Hopefully these questions don’t put you to sleep! 16. What hormone, produced in the pineal gland, helps regulate sleep patterns? Reveal Answer 17. In which stage of sleep do most vivid dreams occur? Reveal Answer 18. What disorder is characterised by the inability to move or speak when waking up or falling asleep? Reveal Answer 19. What’s the scientific term for the internal clock that regulates our 24-hour sleep and wake cycle? Reveal Answer 20. Which movie, starring Bill Murray, involves him repeatedly waking up to the same day? Reveal Answer Misspelt Words Each of the words in this category are missing one letter, try to work out the correct spelling! 21. Febuary Reveal Answer 22. Pharoh Reveal Answer 23. Rendevous Reveal Answer 24. Phlem Reveal Answer 25. Onomatopeia Reveal Answer Your Score: Average Score: 15 / 25 Submit your Quiz Score and see if you make it on the Top 20 Leaderboard! Enter your Name to submit your Quiz Score! Team Name Submit Score SUBMIT SCORE Your Score was Submitted Successfully! Check out this weeks Leaderboard: Leaderboard Send the quiz to your friends and family to start a weekly rivalry: Text Email If you enjoyed the quiz, hit subscribe and we’ll send it to you via SMS each week! Subscribe