Quiz #053 National Parks, Constellations, Famous Duos, Michelangelo, Guitar Remember to hit the checkbox if you get the answer right! 0 National Parks Name which country these national parks are in? 1. Galápagos National Park Reveal Answer 2. Yosemite National Park Reveal Answer 3. Plitvice Lakes National Park Reveal Answer 4. Serengeti National Park Reveal Answer 5. Fiordland National Park Reveal Answer Constellations This topic is all about the night sky! 6. What is the constellation ‘Crux’ better known as? Reveal Answer 7. What celestial feature consists of three bright stars in close proximity, forming a line visible to the naked eye? Reveal Answer 8. What is the name of the largest constellation in the night sky, often depicted as a mythical sea serpent? Reveal Answer 9. What is the name of the brightest star in the constellation Orion? Reveal Answer 10. The constellation ‘Ursa major’ contains a series of stars commonly known as what? Reveal Answer Famous Duos Who is the other member of these famous duos? 11. Mario and… (hint: super bros) Reveal Answer 12. Siegfried and… (hint: Vegas) Reveal Answer 13. Han Solo and… (hint: Rrrruuuurrr) Reveal Answer 14. Butch Cassidy and… (hint: Old school bandits) Reveal Answer 15. George Michael and… (hint: Wham!) Reveal Answer Michelangelo More than just a Michael… 16. What was Michelangelos nationality? Reveal Answer 17. Which city is home to Michelangelo’s famous statue of David? Reveal Answer 18. What is the name of the renowned fresco painted by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? Reveal Answer 19. In the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, what is the colour of the bandanna worn by Michelangelo? Reveal Answer 20. What is the name of the unfinished sculpture by Michelangelo depicting several figures struggling to emerge from a block of marble? Reveal Answer Guitar Let me serenade you with songs about the weekly quiz… 21. How many strings are there on a standard acoustic guitar? Reveal Answer 22. What is the most common type of wood used for the body of acoustic guitars? Reveal Answer 23. What colour was Johnny Cash’s guitar? Reveal Answer 24. What is the name of the small, metal device that can clamp over the neck of a guitar to quickly change the key? Reveal Answer 25. What is the real name of the guitarist ‘The Edge’ from U2? Reveal Answer Your Score: Average Score: 11 / 25 Submit your Quiz Score and see if you make it on the Top 20 Leaderboard! Enter your Name to submit your Quiz Score! Team Name Submit Score SUBMIT SCORE Your Score was Submitted Successfully! Check out this weeks Leaderboard: Leaderboard Weekly Reminder Hit subscribe to receive your free Saturday Quiz via SMS every weekend: Subscribe Sharing is Caring! Send the Weekly Quiz to your friends, family or colleagues to start a rivalry! Text Email